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Miete Musikinstrumente und Musikproduktion

Are you unsure about the purchase of your new guitar, piano, keyboard or other instrument? Do you find the price for that one piano or bass guitar just a bit too steep? Or are you giving a performance or a concert for which you temporarily need an instrument? Then renting can be a great option! You can contact the rental companies below for renting a variety of musical instruments.  Mehr anzeigen...

Miete preisgünstige Musikinstrumente und Musikproduktion dieser Marken: Roland  |   Korg  |   Yamaha  |   Nord  |   Behringer  |   Arturia  |   Ensoniq  |   Moog  |   Akai  |   BeamZ  |   Boss  |   DSI  |   Alesis  |   AMPEG  |   Fender  |   Showtec  |   Zoom  |   Ableton  |   Ayra  |   Carvin  |   Mehr anzeigen......

Beliebte Orte zum Mieten Musikinstrumente und Musikproduktion: Bielefeld  |   Lede  |   Antwerpen  |   Lyon  |   Amsterdam  |   Rotterdam  |   Marseille  |   Berlin  |  

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Which musical instruments can you rent?

All musical instruments, including any accessories, are available for rental. For example, you can rent electric guitars, classical guitars, digital pianos, keyboards, drums, bass guitars, ukuleles, synthesizers, violins and much more! You can also rent accessories. Whatever you need! But you also at the right place for renting amplifiers , microphones , and other light equipment or sound gear .

How does guitar, piano or other instrument rental work?

If you have made your choice which musical instrument you would like to rent, please contact the owner. You can also directly place a rental request. Once approved by the owner, you can pay for your booking. Everything is arranged online and the products can even be delivered to your home if you select this in the booking process.