Improve your skills or learn new ones with these 4 platforms!
In this blogpost, we provide you – the creative professional or creative person in general – with a list of four amazing online platforms. These sites offer a wide range of educational video material about topics ranging from photography, freelancing, cinematography and many more!
Since Covid struck us, life have drastically changed for many of us. Some of us are working from home, some are not able to travel anymore the way they were used to. In terms of creativity, some may argue that our daily lives have become a bit less inspiring. Overall, let’s be honest – some days we feel unmotivated to do anything at all.
Then again, others say that these times are ideal to pick up new skills and improve the ones you’ve neglected a bit over the last years. You’ve surely heard of the saying “Never stop learning”, right? We think that it is crucial to take some time to nurture yourself in order to flourish creatively.
But, wait, how can you learn new skills if there are no physical face to face workshops to attend? Or if all workshops are given at times of the day when it is not convenient for you? Rest assured – there are solutions. We have prepared a short list of amazing online platforms.These platforms offer a variety of educational videos that allow you to expand your current skill set.
You will be able to educate yourself regardless of time and location. Whether it is on your way to work by train, or during your lunch break – these platforms will allow you to acquire any skill while on-the-go!
The four skill platforms
We have selected just four out of the many available skill learning platforms – LinkedIn Learning, Zoom Academy, Skillshare and Udemy – as great sources for skill learning and sharing knowledge amongst creative peers and professionals.
LinkedIn – more than just networking
Chances are that you are already on LinkedIn to organize your professional network. Yet did you know that LinkedIn – with their LinkedIn Learning department also offers access to numerous online courses designed to help you improve your future career prospects? First advantage: by completing courses via LinkedIn Learning, you can also automatically add the acquired certifications to your LinkedIn profile. So you’ll automatically be showcasing your improved skills and expertise with your network!
Secondly, did you know that LinkedIn Learning also has a library specifically dedicated to creative professionals? For more information on the courses available for creatives, click here! You won’t regret it!
Zoom Academy – behind the lens
If you are a photographic enthusiast looking for a beginners course on camera lenses, then the platform Zoom Academy has the perfect option for you! Throughout this course you are guaranteed to learn everything there is to know about cameras. Additionally, you will learn in depth about lenses and their characteristics and applications. At the end of this course you will be skilled in terms of understanding what lenses are best suited for what subject.
Moreover, if after the course completion, you still are unsure of what lenses to purchase – do not worry. There is a solution – you can always test a few out via Gearbooker before making any further decisions!
Noteworthy to mention is that this is not the only course Zoom Academy offers. The platform also offers multiple more advanced courses if you want to expand your skill set even further! So make sure to check out their website for more information!
Skillshare – quick and casual
Are you a creative person trying to expand your already existing skill set? By learning how to use Adobe Illustrator CC, for instance?
Skillshare is a platform that allows for a quick, casual and practical way of acquiring new skills. In other words, you can apply the knowledge right away.
Besides offering online classes about photography, filmmaking and other creative topics, this platform also offers a variety of videos on other topics. For example, freelancing, entrepreneurship, online marketing and many more.
If you are interested in cinematography, we found a really cool course for you. This course is called How To Make Dope Low Budget Films and is taught by the award winning filmmaker Julian Klepper!
In short, if this particular class does not fit your interests, make sure to check out the course catalogue available on their website. You are guaranteed to find something you like!
Psssst. Don’t say anyone, but the first two months of Skillshare Premium are for free!
Udemy – treasure chest of skills
Udemy – perhaps the largest online educational platform – offers a selection of 150,000 online courses that cover a diverse range of topics. Additionally, the platform is offering people like you the opportunity to become a course instructor. So you can share your knowledge with peers and interested students and inspire them, while also earning some (extra) income doing so!
Another interesting service that the platform offers is Udemy for Business. If you are a business owner with employees, then Udemy Business is a great destination for your employees to improve their skills and become better, more productive at what they do for your business!